Event Volunteer 2024

Office Management & Other · Berlin · Part-time · Intern/Working Student

Job description

Job description

About the Job

We are looking for smart and energetic people to support us on-site at the Project A Knowledge Conference, which is due to take place Friday 20th September in Berlin.

The Project A Knowledge Conference 2024 is a one-day in-person conference for anyone who seeks to change the world of startups and venture capital. Experts from every area of digital operations will share their insights and best practices: From investment to operations, from marketing to software engineering, from sales to branding, from data science to product management.

This year, we are curating smaller, dedicated events named "Hive" for each business sector. Our aim is to attract more experts, providing attendees with specialized content and knowledge. Each Hives will feature distinguished speakers and participants from their respective fields, ensuring a high level of expertise and valuable insights.

In this role, you’ll:

  • Be part of the event planning team and helping with various organizational tasks at the event location
  • Coordinate the Speaker Sessions as well as taking care that everything is running smoothly (i.e. provide speakers with water, check the equipment etc.)
  • Contribute to creating a special experience for our guests incl. answering questions etc

Please note that we are looking for support in Berlin.

Benefits and Perks

  • Free and guaranteed access to our awesome Knowledge Conference 2024 and the possibility to hear some great & inspiring speeches
  • Free access to our After-Show Party
  • A great place to network with our speakers, portfolio companies and guests
  • Getting a great insight in the Venture Capital World

Feel free to check out our website: https://knowledge-conference.project-a.com/

Apply here and become a part of our success story!

We aim to be the best choice of partners for them by being conviction and integrity driven investors by providing access to operational excellence in product, growth, data and people.

Our Commitment to Diversity and Inclusion

Project A is committed to diverse and equal opportunities hiring for all – applicants, candidates, and employees alike. We value humans – with all our glorious multifaceted backgrounds, perspectives, and experiences – and look forward to your application.

Project A ist eines der führenden Venture Capital in Europa, mit Standorten in Berlin und London. Gegründet 2012 als operatives VC, hat unser Unternehmen mittlerweile mehr als 100 Start-ups, verteilt über 17 Länder und 15 Branchen unterstützt/ hervorgebracht, darunter in Trend Branchen wie Digital Health, Fintech und Mobility. Unser engagiertes Team von über 120 Expert:Innen unterstützt unsere Portfoliounternehmen im Software Engineering, Marketing, Sales, Hiring sowie weiteren business-relevanten Serviceleistungen.

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